WASHINGTON — President Obama and Donald J. Trump made an open show on Thursday of setting their biting contrasts aside after a shocking decision agitate. The Oval Office meeting united a president who has dimly cautioned that Mr. Trump couldn't be trusted with the atomic codes and a successor who rose to political conspicuousness addressing Mr. Obama's origination and authenticity.
"I need to underscore to you, Mr. President-choose, that we now will need to do all that we can to help you succeed on the grounds that on the off chance that you succeed, then the nation succeeds," Mr. Obama told Mr. Trump as the two sat one next to the other after the approximately hour and a half meeting. The president called the session "astounding" and colossal.
Mr. Trump, who said he had never met Mr. Obama before and anticipated that the meeting would last just 10 or 15 minutes, said it had been an "amazing privilege" to sit with the president.
"We talked about a variety of circumstances, some awesome and a few challenges. I especially anticipate managing the president later on, including counsel," Mr. Trump said.
It was a phenomenal show of sincerity and regard between two men who have been political adversaries and are elaborate contrary energies Mr. Trump a brash land official and unscripted tv star whose crusade was characterized contrary to the sitting president, and Mr. Obama, a cool-tempered scholarly who has squeezed a dynamic motivation in office.
Mr. Trump, whose race on Tuesday dazed the president and shook the political foundation in Washington, landed in the White House carport on Thursday outside of anyone's ability to see of the hordes of journalists and news media cameras amassed there. His staff had declined to organize columnists to report his developments, as is standard both for the president and the president-choose, and Mr. Obama's group did not organize the customary photo of the sitting president and his better half welcome their successors before the White House.
Mr. Obama said his significant other, Michelle, who rose this fall as a straightforward commentator of Mr. Trump on the battle field, met with Melania Trump while their spouses talked in the Oval Office.
"We need to ensure that they feel welcome," Mr. Obama said of the Trumps.
The gatherings unfurled as Mr. Obama's staff was beginning the overwhelming business of giving over the inconceivable administration of the United States government to Mr. Trump's staff, including essential national security data and assets he would require in case of a disastrous assault.
In front of Mr. Trump's landing in Washington on Thursday morning, best counsels to Mr. Obama had invested months get ready for a move, an exceedingly complex wander consolidated into the 72-day time span amongst now and the Jan. 20 introduction. It is dependent upon them and the Trump group to set it in movement, blending Obama organization staff individuals with delegates of the president-choose for intensive lessons in the internal workings of the White House and government offices. Two war-gaming activities are wanted to prepared the new group for a psychological militant strike or other national security emergency.
Mr. Obama said Wednesday that he had trained his staff to take after the illustration set by President George W. Shrubbery in 2008 and give an expert and smooth move for Mr. Trump's group, in spite of the boundless approach contrasts that different the president and his successor. For all people in general dramatization and division of the presidential crusade, in private, Mr. Obama's assistants have since July been unobtrusively working with counselors to both Hillary Clinton and Mr. Trump to get ready for the death of force.
"As everybody has been sloping down and wrapping things up somewhere else around this building, I have been increase here for this next stage," said Anita Decker Breckenridge, Mr. Obama's vice president of staff. She said she had been inspired by the work force sent by both battles to arrange the move.

"They have considered it important," she said in a meeting.
Still, given that Mr. Trump's was a nontraditional battle that did not have scores of prepared strategy staff individuals or profound connections inside Washington, it is not clear will's identity doled out to do the exceedingly specialized work of steering of government.
"Landing groups" now set up at every government office will start acting as right on time as Thursday with assistants assigned by Mr. Trump to hand over vital operations, some of them utilizing delicate innovation devices, for example, secure sites, to make the data all the more effortlessly absorbable.
At the Department of Homeland Security, authorities have stacked instructions materials onto tablets for the president-choose's group in a searchable configuration. At the Department of Justice, authorities made a cloud gateway for the data.
"Our accentuation here has been assembling quality not amount we need to have focused on materials," said Lee Lofthus, the Justice Department's partner lawyer general for organization. "The objective here is not to assemble telephone directories that individuals need to document through."
In any case, the pulverize of data might be grave, especially with regards to Mr. Trump's undertaking of enlisting 4,000 political nominees over a matter of weeks. Saddled with an out of date staff framework when Mr. Obama was chosen in 2008, his assistants moved for this present year to fabricate another one intended to make it less demanding to track the positions, and additionally the candidates and their own and expert data.
In December, Mr. Obama's group arrangements to hold the first of two war-gaming activities to get ready Mr. Trump and his staff for a potential national security emergency.
Mr. Obama's helpers partook in a comparative practice composed by Mr. Shrub's White House the week prior to his 2009 initiation, amid which they sat one next to the other in the Situation Room and gamed out how the legislature would react to a progression of concurrent blasts in American urban areas.
The second reenactment for Mr. Trump is set for January, days before he formally accesses the atomic codes.
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